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Gardd Hiraeth - School Garden


Keep Wales Tidy

A huge thank you to Keep Wales Tidy for the work undertaken at the school garden today.

Our pupils showed tremendous team work to fill our newly constructed raised beds at the garden.

We look forward to start planting in the near future!


Compost from CWM Environmental

A really productive day at the school garden with our pupils filling our new raised beds with compost from CWM Environmental Ltd

Fantastic effort and team work shown by all braving the weather.

Thank you to the The Warren for their recent sponsorship of the garden.


Gardd Hiraeth Logo Winner!

Congratulations to Charlie in 8G for creating this excellent logo that won our recent Gardd Hiraeth Logo Competition. Charlie had created a number of logos to represent the seasons in the garden, an excellent idea. However, this one is of particular merit and will now formally represent our school garden.  

Thank you to everyone that entered the competition and please enjoy a selection of the work submitted.

Da iawn!



Growing Food for the Curriculum

This is a great example of how we aim to use produce from our school garden, Gardd Hiraeth, wherever possible in the curriculum. 

This is Sonny, 7AC, he has been making rock cakes with Miss Belton this week, showing a range of cooking skills to produce high quality rock cakes with our school grown strawberries. 

Da iawn Sonny!


Bench Planter Update

Our bench planter provided by Keep Wales Tidy that was installed a couple of months back is now in full bloom. The British wildflowers planted by Mathew Collinson from Keep Wales Tidy and pupils from Canolfan Elfed have really developed providing pollinating plants to insects in our Garden aiding Biodiversity. We have had great use of the bench since install; pictured are a selection of pupils undertaking the Grassroots programme last week. 


SF&G Membership

Queen Elizabeth High School is now a proud member of Social Farms & Gardens. SF&G is a UK wide charity supporting communities to farm, garden and grow together.



Art Competition - Logo Design


Eco Team Progress Check

Yesterday, the Eco Team continued with preparation in our Gardd Hiraeth. This week’s focus was on completion and placement of the Bug Hotel, biodiversity surveys, which will be repeated at the end of the Summer term to assess our impact, along with a litter pick of the area. 

The pupils discussions whilst completing these tasks, turned to ask questions surrounding the litters existence. As this is now temporarily, an out of bounds space for all pupils and staff. The Eco Team soon realised that litter is finding itself here due to the schools microclimate along with misuse of bins. Essentially, the wind is blowing it in from our school yard space and outside community spaces, to end up here! Therefore, their next steps are to raise awareness of this to all staff and pupils.

In other news, this month we have taken part in the #NoMowMay movement in the Gardd Hiraeth, to give us the perfect starting point for our green space! Why is the important, I hear you ask? Well, every lawn is an ecosystem in itself! As below the ground there is a complex world of fungi and microbes living among the roots. Whilst above the soil, plants form mini jungles which shelter, feed, and support all kinds of animals from insects to birds and mammals. Our valuable green spaces can be teeming with life across the seasons, if we only give them a little room to grow. 

Keep up the great work Eco Team! 


Our Garden Name: Gardd Hiraeth

Congratulations to Lindsey Hyde in Year 11, who as part of the ECO club, came up with the perfect name for our school garden; 'Gardd Hiraeth'.  'Hiraeth' a Welsh word for longing, wistfulness and nostalgia is perfect for our garden that encompasses the memorial trees planted previously.  Our Art Department in the near future will be holding a competition to design the logo that will represent our garden. Watch this space!    



Bug Hotel!

We're thrilled to announce early stages of our new community garden, Gardd Hiraeth! Today, we reached a milestone by developing a Bug Hotel with the help of our amazing ECO team. They were out in force, collecting various materials to support and enhance or local ecosystems. 
The project marks the beginning of our journey towards creating a vibrant community garden, and we can't wait to see it flourish.  Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to join us on this green adventure. 


Dosbarth Emlyn - Planting Wildflowers

We would like to thank Mr Mathew Collinson, the County's Local Places for Nature Officer, for delivering an informative gardening session to our pupils yesterday. Pupils from Dosbarth Emlyn planted wildflowers in our new bench planter starting our school garden journey.

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