As sixth form students you are also able to access a very comprehensive enrichment programme, including:
• pastoral support which has the aim of ensuring that your progress is regularly monitored, whilst addressing the wider social and emotional needs of individuals. This attention given to you as an individual student is one of our strongest and most important features;
• leadership development through the opportunities to become a prefect and peer mentor. You will also be actively encouraged to support a range of local and national charities whilst in the sixth form;
• musical performances - opportunities are available for developing the skills of the individual performer as well as membership of our excellent choirs, orchestras, ensembles and groups;
• participation in sporting activities through membership of one of our many successful teams;
• the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme which is a highly regarded and very popular programme of activities, events and expeditions;
• Going for Gold is an exciting new initiative whereby sixth form students choose from a menu of relevant courses offered by the Associate Faculty of Trinity St David. These programmes of study are assessed at Level 4 and are an excellent introduction to undergraduate work.
Above all else, you will hopefully find that all members of our staff are very well motivated and experienced teachers of the courses they deliver.
As you continue to read through this prospectus, I hope you find something of interest and that you will meet with us at our Information Evening and talk to our staff teams.
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