Extension/Enrichment Tasks
Most MAT activities take place in the classroom. Teachers provide a range of extension tasks during lessons to motivate and challenge pupils. In addition to this we encourage our MAT students to be independent and research enrichment and extension tasks of their own. Please see attached some links and resources to help you.
A Level Biology Podcasts
biology in podcasts | Listen Notes
Ask a Physicist
Submit a Question: Ask-a-Physicist | PhysicsCentral
Ask a Biologist
Puzzles | Ask A Biologist (asu.edu)
Astronomy Picture of the Day (nasa.gov)
BBC Four - Chemistry: A Volatile History
Science and Nature
BBC - Programmes categorised as Factual: Science & Nature - Available now
Biology Olympiad KS5
UKBC - BBO2021 (ukbiologycompetitions.org)
Physics Olympiad KS5
Home | British Physics Olympiad (bpho.org.uk)
Cambridge Reading List
super-curricular_suggestions.pdf (cam.ac.uk)
Chemistry Good Reads
Chemistry Books (goodreads.com)
Chemistry Podcast
Department of Chemistry | University of Oxford Podcasts - Audio and Video Lectures
Gresham College Lectures
Watch Past Lectures (gresham.ac.uk)
National Geographic
Natural History Museum
More Than A Doodle | Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Oxplore | The Home of Big Questions
Oxford Sparks
Welcome | www.oxfordsparks.ox.ac.uk
Project Gutenburg
Free eBooks | Project Gutenberg
The Brilliant Club
Cognitive Science Masterclass: Selective Attention - YouTube
Things We Don’t Know
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